Ascarii Blog

Why Cloud ERP is Essential for Manufacturers - Register for our Webinar!

Written by Susan Woolley | 30-Apr-2024 13:41:02

Ascarii is excited to announce our upcoming webinar, which is designed specifically for manufacturers, around the UK, who may be considering cloud ERP solutions. This informative webinar will take place on Wednesday 15th May at 2pm and is ideal for anyone with a role that covers improving processes and increasing efficiency within their manufacturing organisation, such as senior IT, finance, production, and operations professionals.

Cloud ERP solutions are an essential purchase for any manufacturer who wants to increase efficiency and compete effectively to set them up for long-term strategic growth. By automating business processes and eliminating duplication of effort and data entry between disparate systems, cloud ERP solutions provide detailed insight that connects every area of your business. One version of the truth means that manufacturers have solid and reliable information on which to base their strategic decision making.

All major ERP vendors are moving towards cloud-based solutions, which optimise security while providing highly scalable solutions that match their customers’ needs. Many companies have multiple sites, and mobile workforces are becoming more common – particularly among those companies with field service and maintenance teams. Cloud technology extends access to the ERP solution, giving managers real-time insight while enabling remote workers to use their time more efficiently and improve their customer experience.

Companies can also reap significant cost savings from the subscription nature of cloud-based solutions, improving cashflow and enabling more strategic use of resources, while minimising investment in on-premise infrastructure and associated support. Cloud-based ERP solutions, and other business software implementations, are inevitable – it is not a case of ‘if’ you implement a cloud-based solution, but when?

Join our webinar to find out why cloud ERP solutions are essential to support strategy for long-term business growth in the manufacturing industry.

Learn how cloud ERP solutions can automate business processes and increase efficiency, as well as provide highly secure and scalable solutions that will future proof your company. This webinar will cover:

- Key benefits of transitioning to a cloud-based system

- Building a business case for cloud ERP

- Choosing the right solution and implementation approach

- Avoiding common pitfalls in cloud ERP projects

- Preparing your team for a successful transition

- Strategies for planning and executing a successful migration

- Real-world case studies from manufacturers who have made the leap