Choosing the right ERP solution for your business can be a challenge. There is a wide range of options available, in terms of price and functionality, and what is ‘right’ for your competitor may not be a good fit for your business. The question is, however, where do you start?
So, you already know your business is experiencing pain points, but do you know what is causing those pains? What systems are you currently using to manage your critical business data? And how are these preventing your business moving forward?
Over-reliance on spreadsheets has always been an issue as businesses expand. What worked for them as a start-up begins to constrain them as they grow. Having to duplicate data entry between systems that don’t talk to each other creates extra manual work, as well as inaccuracies caused by human error. After all, it only takes a decimal place typed wrong or a mistake in a formula to cause big issues in the accuracy of the data, as well as a significant amount of time wasted trying to find out why the figures are wrong.
What about if your business manufactures or distributes products? In this case, you will need an effective inventory management system, otherwise how do you know what you have in stock, or where certain items are? Stock management is very prone to human error – miscounting and mislaying items is easily done. Recounting and searching for ‘missing’ stock is a big waste of time and resources.
Choosing the right ERP solution for your business can be guided by working out what you want to achieve. Most companies begin this journey with the goal of automating processes and gaining increased insight into the state of their businesses through better quality data. Analysis and reporting abilities gives them information they can use to back up their strategic decisions. Some companies are struggling with stock management, or disparate systems that are increasing manual labour. Other companies may want a solution that can automate their processes across borders; they might need localisations that can cope with multiple languages, currencies, and legal requirements. With these factors in mind, we have put together our top tips for choosing the right ERP solution for your business.
As the digital core of your business, the ERP solution is at the heart of all your operations. It can automate and improve processes in every area. This results in big time savings, optimised use of resources, better quality of data and ultimately increased efficiency, all of which can have a dramatic effect on your business processes. It is important to choose wisely as the solution you choose will support your business for the long-term.
Ascarii’s team of highly qualified consultants loves to work alongside our customers to ensure the successful implementation of their SAP Business One solutions. With both technical and functional experience across most industries, we are able to guide customers through the process, helping them to achieve their goals and objectives. For more information about SAP Business One and Ascarii, and to discuss your requirements with our friendly team, please contact us now.